Mind-Body Los Angeles
Home / Qigong and Tai Chi (Moving Meditation) / Other Gigs / Calendar
Meditation Workshop (Two Sessions)
Presentation on meditation with a focus on concentration practices
​A Meditation to Support Your Recovery from Alcohol and Other Drugs, guided imagery by Belleruth Naperstek​
​Kaiser Permanente: Kaiser's website provides free access to anyone (Kaiser members and non-members alike) to 20 different meditations led by Belleruth Naperstek.
Presentation on meditation with a focus on mindfulness
Three podcasts from UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)
​​Recovery-focused Mindfulness Meditation community practices
​Recovery Dharma (formerly Refuge Recovery): "A peer-led, grass-roots, democratically-structured organization. Our mission is to support individuals on their path of recovery from addiction using Buddhist practices and principles."
On hiatus: The Heart of Recovery: "A meditation and sharing support group with the purpose of bringing together the practice of meditation, the Shambhala and Buddhist teachings, and the Twelve Steps of Recovery."
11/23/2019 Note: This group began at Shambhala Meditation Center in Eagle Rock, moved to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City, but is not currently meeting.
​General Mindfulness Meditation community practices
Meditation Coalition: "A group of teachers, facilitators and students dedicated to providing access to meditation and Buddhist teachings for all who are interested. We belong to the communities we support and serve. We are committed to ethical behavior, social justice, and compassionate action."
Insight LA: "offering high-quality mindfulness and compassion practices throughout the Greater Los Angeles area for almost 20 years."
Additional workshop materials are available at no cost from mindbodylosangeles@gmail.com​.