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Mind-Body Los Angeles
Home / Qigong and Tai Chi (Moving Meditation) / Other Gigs / Calendar

Mind-Body Los Angeles
he / him / his
Tai Chi / Qigong / Meditation
Certified Teacher of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi
LMFT, MFC 39107
Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plant Walks™ aka ZASP Walks™
(currently under development)
(community-building, monthly-to-quarterly visits to favorite off-the-beaten path wonders in Silver Lake, Elysian Park, Lincoln Heights, Echo Park, E. Hollywood — currently in progress)
"Because we have more lived experience than we can possibly assign language to, our stories necessarily exclude much of what we have actually lived. In situations when problems become dominant in our stories, it is possible to reauthor our story of ourselves, by revisiting actual—perhaps previously unnoticed—lived experiences, watching especially for nondominant, but preferred story lines, to make creative use of."
Lee Conger, LMFT
Extract from Definitional Ceremony handout, 2009 Malibu Participants' Conference
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